Trends in China's Auto Industry
Shunts manufacturers are enjoying a strong market share in China. They have a great opportunity to leverage their production capacity and increase market share in the Chinese market. The country's economy is growing at a very fast pace, and so does its consumer market. One of the reasons for this is the rising disposable income for families and individuals alike. To compete successfully, the shanners and DC Ammeter Shunts manufacturers need to be innovative and reduce the cost of production while improving the quality of the end product.
The key players in China's economy are many. Each has a unique contribution and they form the basis of a complex economic structure that is growing at a breathtaking rate. The three main players in the Chinese economy are the State planner, the State owned enterprise (SOE) and the private sector. These are followed by the public sector, which forms the rest of the market sector. SOE, state owned enterprises and the private sector all play a significant role in supporting the Chinese economy.
The State planner and the State owned enterprises are the biggest players in the Chinese economy. This is the reason the Chanakya Regional Analysis and Study Centre (CRAS) chose them as the key players in the future of China. The State planner is the mainland's decision maker and the main driver behind policy implementation. As such it has a vested interest in maintaining stable and encouraging economic growth. The CRAS study centre is an important vehicle used by the State planner to understand the emerging trends and developments in the Chinese economy.
The State owned enterprises or the SOEs have a key role in promoting industrialization, which in turn will provide employment to more people. However, the emergence of the private sector is creating challenges for the State planner. These challenges are highlighted in the Chanakya Regional Analysis and Study Centre's current business environment series, "Shanghai Economy in a Revisited", released in May this year. The Ammeter Shunt report was designed to be a broad assessment of the current state of the Chinese economy and looked at the existing drivers, current policy frameworks, the evolving trends and the future outlook.
The researchers identified six key players from the private sector that they believe are playing a vital role in China's development - the Dongfeng Motor Group, Dongfeng Heavy Industries, Yang Fengcheng Technology, Huiyang Electric Corporation, CIC Container Co. Ltd and Fuzing Global. This is a brief overview of the findings in the report. The researchers presented their findings from their own research and from the survey they conducted across nine cities. The main drivers of the Chinese growth story are the three processes of accumulation, innovation and restructuring.
The acquisition of low cost raw materials and the manufacturing of bulk goods have been the most important drivers of the recent Chinese growth. But they face several challenges like the slowing of domestic demand due to high levels of unemployment and aging populations. The second biggest challenge is the slow adoption of electronic technology and the high costs associated with it. The third key driver of the current Chinese growth is the restructuring of the Chinese economy and restructuring the businesses to make them more efficient. The last two processes, namely, the accumulation and the innovation process, have been important for the Chinese economic success but are also being affected by other forces such as globalization and increasing competition from the developed economies. The experts suggested that there is a need to take these issues into consideration during the next planning cycle. To know more about electronics, visit this website at http://edition.cnn.com/2012/01/13/opinion/keen-consumer-electronic-show/